First Full Day at SJB- August 24th, 2012

Welcome Back

I hope you had a great day at school.

6th Grade Reading
Please decorate the reading folder on THE WATSONS GO TO BIRMINGHAM-1963. Please be creative and original.
You must include characters, plot, problem and many details.  This is worth 10 points.

7th Grade Reading
Please decorate the folder on THE OUTSIDERS. Please follow directions.  This is worth 10 points. Please put time and effort into this first homework assignment. This is worth 10 points. What letter do you have?

6th Grade Science
Science from A-Z
Please complete the worksheet. Please put time and effort into this first assignment in science. You may use books, textbook or the Internet.

Please be ready to discuss plant A and B.
We will go in the science lab on Monday.

7th Grade Science
 The unscramble-classify activity and matching activity will be due on Monday.

Please be ready to tell me about plant A and B.

We will go back in the lab on Monday.

8th Grade Science
Please complete  your  science homework-branches of science and scientific instruments worksheet. Please show me your best work. This is due Monday.

Please be ready to tell me about plant A and B.

We will go back in the lab on Monday.

QUESTION OF THE DAY:Botany is the study of __________?
Be ready to share your correct answer.

Have a great weekend.

See you Monday.
Mrs. Bargamian

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