September 17, 2016

What can you tell me about this picture?

6th Grade Reading: Complete section 5 vocabulary. Write the definition and part of speech. 
Can you define emulate?
The test is Wednesday.

7th Grade Reading:
Complete vocab in section 4. Can you define ruefully?

6th Grade Science: "Magnitude"
Complete pages 20 and 21.

Can you make a saying up about the temperature of the stars?
 Start from hottest to coldest star.  
Can you sing it? Start with blue ........ End with red. We will work on this in class tomorrow
(Page 22 #12)

7th Grade Science: "Weathering"
Describe  your rock. Where did you come from? What kind are you? Were you always this size? Complete Think outside the book-#10 on page 23.
Also complete page 24-chemical weathering.

State  5 facts about the earthquake that happened in Chile.

8th Grade Science:
Complete up to page 26 in your science book. There will be a  5 question quiz on lesson 2 at the end of class tomorrow.
In your notebook,  state what is a placebo?
Also write a paragraph or more on the following question.
If you read about a wonder drug on the internet, how do you know if the information is reliable?

All science classes-
Can you tell me about an earthquake that happened recently?
Where and when did it happen?

I will see you tomorrow.
Mrs. Bargamian

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