October 13, 2015

6th Grade Reading:
Complete workbook pages 14-16.
Study for the 5 question quiz on -"Courage in the News."
We will start  reading "Passage to Freedom" on Wednesday in class.

7th Grade Reading:
Complete vocab for "7th Grade." Include the definition, part of speech and the sentence for each word.  Also,complete page 27-write the word and answer for each. The test is on Thursday for the story.

6th Grade Science:
Study Guide
 Unit 1
Please know the following:
Solar System
High-mass star
Low-mass star
The Sun
Life Cycle of Stars
Binary Star System
H-R Diagram
Temperature of Stars
Order of Planets from Sun

7th Grades Science:"Erosion and Deposition by Wind, Ice and Gravity"
Complete workbook up to page 50.
Please find 5 facts on Sleeping Bear Dunes in Michigan.
Where is it?
How big is it?
How was it formed?
Can you climb it?
What body  of water is it by?

8th Grade Science:
Study for the test.
Please study the following:
How has science  directly affected our health?
What are traits of a scientist?
Why do scientists debate data and ideas?
Name a law.
Name a theory.
Boyle's Law
What does bias mean?
What does objective mean?
Explain a graph.
Define pseudoscience.
State the purpose of a vaccine.

All students and parents, please visit the website Science Buddies. 
1. Go to project ideas.
2. Go to get ideas.
3. Take Survey-take your time!
4. Look at ideas of experiments.
We will be talking about Science Fair this week.

Have a good evening.

Mrs. Bargamian

7th and 8th Graders
Please bring in your permission forms for the dance! 

Sign up for the dance!
It will be cool!

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