January 5, 2016

6th Grade Reading: "Number the Stars"
Write a short summary on chapter 3. Write this in your notebook. Please write 5 sentences or more on this chapter.
Who is Samuel?

7th Grade Reading: "The Cay"
Complete page 12 in the packet.

6th-8th Grade Science:
Do you have your speech completed yet?
Did you complete the science fair program cover?
Please include on the cover-(What) St. John Brebeuf Science Fair
(Where) PMC
(When) January 14, 2016
7 p.m.-8 p.m.
Please be creative and leave an one inch space from the edge.

7th-8th graders must have 3 copies of their completed science fair papers by January 13th. Make sure everything is signed by Wednesday. 

I will see you tomorrow.

Mrs. Bargamian

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