April 27, 2016

6th Grade Reading:
Did you present your news story?

7th Grade Reading:

How was the test today?
Did you start the  reading  "Exploring Titanic?"

6th Grade Science: "Waves"
Research the 1964 tsunami that damaged a large section of Alaska or the 2004 tsunami that struck  countries bordering the Indian Ocean. Write the research in your notebook. 

7th Grade Science: "Pressure"
Complete page 59. Write a paragraph on what  it would to feel like to climb Mt. Everest. Would you need to take oxygen with you, if so why?

8th Grade Science: "Ecology"
Complete lesson 1.
Ecology is the study of how organisms interact with one another and with the environment.(Please know this definition.)

Are you ready for Friday?
Is this a human heart or a frog's heart?

I will see you tomorrow.

Mrs. Bargamian

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