Septtember 1, 2017

6th Grade Reading:
Complete any 6 questions from chapter 3 review-worksheet. Take your time. 
Work on menu choices that are due on Thursday.

6th Grade Science:
Complete  the Leap Year Activity and pages 144-148 in your workbook.

7th Grade Science:
Complete page 17 in your workbook and #18 on page 14.  Please use details to explain your answer and a detailed picture. Please use the drawing paper I gave you in class for #18. 

8th Grade Science:
Complete page 17.

   Complete #18.   It is on page 14. 
What law states energy can never  be destroyed or created?
You must illustrate and explain your answer. 
Tell me 2 ways energy is changed from one form to another.  Do your best!

I will see you on Tuesday!

Mrs. Brgamian

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