November 27, 2017

6th Grade Science
WOW! How fast can it fall?

Guest Speaker Mr. Manasian from the Atlanta Braves talked to students about  career goals and staying focused.

6th Grade Reading:
Take notes on "Alone Against the Sea."
Please State-Who-What-Where-When and Why about the story.

6th Grade Science:
"The Life Cycle of Stars"
Complete  workbook pages 26-28.
What is a nebula?

7th Grade Science:
Citizen Science
Stable Structures
Complete pages 190.
What should a structure be made out of to become earthquake safe?

8th Grade Science:
"Natural Resources"
Complete pages  in your workbook 148-149.
What is an inexhaustible resource?

I hope you had a great Thanksgiving!

Enjoy this wonderful weather and I will see you tomorrow!

Mrs. Bargamian

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